Fighting Pores with Benefit and Origins

It may sound silly but I didn’t actually know I had pores until about a year ago when I discovered them at the Benefit counter in Myer. My pores are actually hidden by the freckles on my nose but that doesn’t make them any less annoying. Pores will never go away but you can reduce their appearance and it doesn’t need to be very hard. 

I have written before about how I use the Clear Improvements mask from Origins twice a week. The charcoal mask helps with reducing the appearance of pores and clearing up your skin.

Next up is the product I use to cover up the pores, the Porefessional from Benefit Cosmetics which is a pro balm and acts like a primer on top of your skin. I have found that it can dry out your nose a little so make sure your nose is well-moisturised.

This is what the products look like; Clear Improvements is obviously black and the Porefessional is a light pink so that it can match any skin tone.
This has improved the look of my pores greatly but I am always on the hunt for new tricks so please let me know if you have any other tips in the “Pore-Fight”.
P.S. If you buy Benefit products directly from their website, and spend over USD125, they will give you free shipping and 2 small samples. Enjoy xx